Parallel sessions D will take place 14.00-17-00 on Thursday 19th May and will be initiated and led by the CORDEX points of contact in each domain as relevant.
D1: Climate Services in the frame of CORDEX (Dr Daniela Jacob and Dr Claas Teichmann)
(Audiorium, Aula Magna)
Climate Services are being established in all regions of the world and brought together by the Climate Service Partnership (CSP), an informal, interdisciplinary network of climate information users, providers, donors and researchers. Climate Services allow society to build resilience to future change and take advantage of opportunities provided by favorable conditions. They involve the production, translation, transfer, and use of climate knowledge and information in climate-informed decision making and climate-smart policy and planning. Great parts of the information of climate change is based on CORDEX activities whose goals include the support of climate impact, adaptation and climate service communities via the provision of relevant data. In this session, we want to stimulate the dialogue between the communities of CORDEX and climate services as well as related communities. The aim of this session is to assess whether CORDEX activities and Climate Service needs and expectations can be matched. We want to exchange experiences of climate services in different CORDEX regions and discuss their transferability.
Please note: More information and the frame of the session can be found here.
Notes from Session D1 are available here.
D2: Training Session on Regional Climate Model Evaluation System - RCMES (Huikyo Lee, Brian Wilson, Paul Loikith and Duane Waliser
(Nordenskiöld, Geo-Science Building)
This instructional training session will start with a brief slide presentation on the motivation and objectives behind RCMES followed by an overview of its capabilities, underlying Open Climate Workbench (OCW) software and the associated website resources. During this overview, jump drives will be passed around so all participants can install the needed software and training materials onto their (or a partner’s) laptop. From this point, the hands-on training will include a series of tutorials that start with a simple Command Line Interface (CLI) sequence for illustrative purposes, to a Configuration File (CF) that replicates the Kim et al. (2013) CORDEX Africa study. Following this will be participant-driven options to examine and execute other CFs from our tutorial materials, including instruction on how to change aspects of the CF such as the domain and/or evaluation metrics. Number of particpants are limited to 25.
Please note: More information on equipment to bring with you and the preliminary agenda can be found here.
Notes from Session D2 are available here.
D3: How can statistics help making sense of data from multiple sources? (Dr Rasmus Benestad)
(De Geer, Geo-Science Building)
This session welcomes contributions related to statistical analysis techniques that make use of such large datasets, innovative methods to combining different sources of regional downscaled climate information/data and approaches dealing with the cascade of uncertainty inherent in these datasets.
To submit an abstract for this session please complete this form
Please note: More information and the frame of the session can be found here.
Notes from Session D3 are available here.
D4: Polar CORDEX investigations (John Cassano and Annette Rinke)
(U37, Geo-Science Building)
This session will start with a brief slide presentation on the finished, ongoing and planned Polar Cordex simulations. Then, the meeting is to have informal discussion about the progress of Polar Cordex. We will start with the discussion of the Arctic Cordex results, and then include also Antarctic CORDEX discussion (depending on the participants). All participating groups are invited to present their related work and results from their individual models, but also from multi-model intercomparison studies. From this point, we aim to discuss upcoming joint analysis and papers.
Please note: For registration to this session or more information, please contact John Cassano and Annette Rinke.
Notes from Session D4 are available here.
D6: Process Based Evaluation of the West African Monsoon in CORDEX Projections (Dr Chris Lennard and Dr Bill Gutowski)
(U36, Geo-Science Building)
In this session we would like to draw attention to components of the West African Monsoon that are both well understood and poorly understood and propose an experimental framework to address knowledge gaps that exist. We include perspectives of climate information users so that the atmospheric science component of the proposed experiment framework could be tailored to have an applied user context. Elucidating the gaps in our understanding of the West African Monsoon and its impacts provides an opportunity to plan and coordinate effective research into the WAM. The session will consist of three keynote presentations to lay the foundations for a longer discussion period, the results of which could inform future research efforts into the WAM.
Please note: More information and the frame of the session can be found here.
Notes from Session D6 are available here.
D7: Regional monsoon hydrological cycle over Asia and Australasia (Dr J. Sanjay, Prof Fredolin Tangang, Dr Hyun-Suk Kang and Prof Jason Evans)
(Tarfala, Geo-Science Building)
This session provides opportunity to scientists, students and early career researchers, within and outside the CORDEX initiatives, for cross-domain discussions, interactions and exchange of knowledge regarding the opportunities, benefits and challenges in addressing various scientific issues concerning the monsoon hydrological cycle over the Asian and Australasian region, its variability on different time-scales and likely changes in the future. Contributions are encouraged from both Models (global, regional, etc) and Observation (eg., Insitu, satellite remote sensing, paleoclimate records, etc) based studies.
Please note: More information and the frame of the session can be found here.
Notes from Session D7 are available here.