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Poster presentations

Dedicated poster sessions will take place during the conference on Wednesday 18th and Thursday the 19th of May. The sessions will show a broad range of interesting science topics and findings within the CORDEX context. The poster sessions throughout the days will facilitate interaction amongst the participants, especially between the students and early career scientists (ECS) and the more senior researchers.

Schedule of the poster sessions during the conference:

Poster session A: Benefits of Downscaling


Wednesday 18th of May -12:00 --- 14:00

  • A1: Added value of downscaling
  • A2: Models of the coupled regional climate system
  • A3: From data to information: a distillation dilemma

Poster session B: Frontier Downscaling Tools


Wednesday 18th of May - 17:00 -­‐ 19:00

  • B1: Very high resolution modelling
  • B2: Human-climate regional interactions, towards RESMs
  • B3: A focus on ESD specific opportunities

Poster session C: Impacts & applications


Thursday 19th of May - 12:00 -­‐ 14:00

  • C1: Representing and projecting extremes
  • C2: Regional atmospheric and ocean circulation systems
  • C3: Regional scale hydroclimate: from observations to modelling to applications


For every poster session a team of evaluators will select the best posters presented by ECS or students. The best posters will be awarded by an honorable WCRP/CORDEX certificate citing “Best Poster Presentation” and a souvenir of the conference, to be handed out during a ceremony at the closing session of the conference on Friday the 20th of May.


To download the Abstract Book, click here!


Poster presentation guidelines

Poster display: Posters should be on display as outlined in the poster session schedule. Posters should be put up just before the scheduled display time and taken off at the very end of the scheduled display time. It is essential to remove the poster well before the next poster session to be on display. Authors should be in attendance during the session and are expected to stand by their poster in order to answer questions.

Presenters will be asked to remove their poster at the end of their poster session. The posters that will be not removed during the appropriate time will be recycled.

Poster format: Maximum poster dimensions are 118 cm (height) x 84,1 cm (width) = A0 in PORTRAIT. Poster areas will be equipped with poster boards and material to hang your poster.

Poster ID: Posters are identified with nomenclature according to the sessions; PA, PB, PC. E.g. the following poster ID “PA-001” refers to a presentation assigned number 001 to poster session A.

No local poster printing service will be available during the symposium, so please bear in mind to print and bring your poster.

TIPS for your poster:
Posters should be readable by viewers two meters away. The message should be clear and understandable even without oral explanation. The following guidelines have been prepared to help improve the effectiveness of poster communication.

  • The abstract: The presentation must cover the material as cited in the corresponding submitted abstract and use the official abstract title as submitted and make it easy to read. Complement the title with a short abstract that conveys your main message and attracts people passing by.
  • Organize your material into sections; give each section a sentence heading summarizing it.
  • Create an attractive design with lots of white space.
  • Use the same artistic style throughout your poster.
  • Limit details that don't contribute directly to your main message.
  • Eye Movement: The movement (pathway) of the eye over the poster should be natural, down the columns from left to right. Size attracts attention. Arrows, pointing hands, numbers, and letters can help clarify the sequence.
  • Place the title on top of your poster together with the author’s names.
  • Highlight the author’s names, e-mails, and address information in case the viewer is interested in contacting you for more information and/or provide a card or handout with your contact information (name, phone, email).
  • Topography: Avoid abbreviations, acronyms, and jargon. Use a consistent font throughout. Use type size that is readable from 2 m away. Title text should be at least 54pt, headings at least 36pt, and body text at least 28pt. If several people gather around your poster, they should all be able to read the text simultaneously.
  • Use graphics as much as possible to get your message across. Prepare all diagrams or charts neatly and legibly.
  • Simplicity: Resist the temptation to overload the poster. More material may mean less communication.


ECS Best Poster Competition

Early career scientists and students attending the CORDEX Conference and presenting posters were eligible to be recognized for outstanding poster awards. A distinguished review committee  reviewed and identified outstanding posters given by students and early career scientists. This competition, specially designed for early career researchers and students, provided a great opportunity to advocate the research among the community. Awards were presented to the best posters during the closing session of the conference on the 20th of May. The presentations of the highest quality posters were awarded with a WCRP/CORDEX certificate and a souvenir of the conference.




48 posters participated

  • Each poster assessed by two reviewers


  • Criteria:

– Scientific merit and novelty

– Originality of work

– Aesthetics of display

– Clarity of the poster





Congratulations to the three winners:

  • Csaba Zsolt Torma - The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy
  • Andreas Prein - NCAR, Boulder, USA
  • Raul Wood - Ludwig Maximilians Universität München, Germany
Review Committee:
  • Lars Bärring - Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), Stockholm (Sweden)
  • Jason Evans - Climate Change Research Centre at the University of New South Wales (Australia)
  • Anne Frigon - Ouranos Inc, Climate Simulation and Analysis Team, Montreal (Canada)
  • Clare Goodess - University of East Anglia, Norwich (UK)
  • William Gutowski - College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Iowa State University, Ames (USA)
  • Gaby Langendijk - WCRP JPS, Geneva (Switzerland)
  • Boram Lee - WCRP JPS, Geneva (Switzerland)
  • Chris Lennard - Climate System Analysis Group (CSAG), University of Cape Town, Cape Town (South Africa)
  • Stefan Sobolowski - The Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Bergen (Norway)
  • Silvina Solman - CIMA/CONICET-UBA, Buenos Aires (Argentina)