Oral presentation guidelines
Contributed presentations in the Plenary session and sessions A, B and C , will be assigned 15 minutes each (12 minutes presentation+3 minutes questions and answers), except for the invited speakers who will be assigned 30 minutes (25+5). The schedule for invited presentations can be found in the conference programme. We invite participants to check the program for any update.
- Thirty minutes prior the start of your session, please go to the meeting room in which your presentation is scheduled to take place and identify yourself to the chair of the session.
- We strongly recommend oral briefers to use the PCs available in the meeting rooms and to upload their presentation well before the start of the session via a USB key. Please ensure that your file (PowerPoint or PDF entitled with the session and name of the presenter) is being uploaded safely and that the slides display properly. If this is not possible, you may connect and use your own laptop to provide your brief. In this case, please make sure to bring your video connection cable and be advised that any setup time will be considered part of your brief.
PCs in meeting rooms are configured according to EU standards and are equipped with
- Microsoft Office 2013,
- VLC Media Player,
- Internet Explorer,
- Firefox
- Adobe Reader on Windows 7.
- Remote controls with integrated laser pointer will be available in all meeting rooms.
- Authorized protocols are HTTP and HTTPS. For any specific technical request, please contact the local organizers no later than May 10th at ipoc (at) cordex.org.
- Internet access will be possible via a personal password provided with your badge.